Thursday, January 8, 2009

Monday, January 5, 2009

Why Invest in Self-Care and Wellne$$

"The Wellness Industry is the next trillion dollar business." Paul Zane Pilzner

The Wellness Revolution is about more than just making money. Never before in history has a business opportunity had the potential to have such an incredibly positive impact on the lives of it's consumers.

The desires for wellness already pervades our decisions, from which body and beauty products we use in the morning to what we eat throughout the day. However, we are only at the beginning of the public awareness regarding this growing need. Most people still aren't aware of how simple choices affect their wellness.

As a Soul Purpose Lifestyle Entrepreneur you will be in a position to Inspire, Empower, and Educate others regarding their self-care and wellness. Don't miss out on the opportunity to produce residual income while making a difference in someone's life.

For more information visit:
Or call: 1-800-234-8098 (toll-free)
443-454-4144 (local)

With your wellness in mind,

Delayna Keller RN, BSN
Soul Purpose Managing Associate